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GEFRAN 10350 TPD32 EV-12P/12S 12-pulse DC armature converters
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В нашей компании вы можете выбрать и купить GEFRAN 10350 TPD32 EV-12P/12S 12-pulse DC armature converters, а также другие запчасти от
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A 12-pulse version of the TPD32 EV digital converter is also available. It consists of two 6-pulse bridges connected in two different configurations: parallel (model TPD32-EV-...-12P) series (TPD32-EV-...- 12S). This technology provides the following benefits: reduced harmonic distortion on the power supply line improved motor efficiency thanks to a current ripple reduction extension of the drive power range for parallel configuration Functions: Quick start up Autotuning of the speed regulators 5 Independent programmable Multi-ramps Programmable Linear and Sshaped ramps 7 Programmable Multispeeds Independent regulation of the Min/Max speed for each direction sense of rotation Current limitation in accordance with the speed Adaptive gains of the speed regulator Independent management of the integral gain at zero speed Programmable overload control Jog function Motorpotentiometer function I2t motor protection PID function block Servodiameter control function Speed Draw function Autocapture function (Flying restart) Droop function Options: Programming keypad KB – TPD32 EV Profibus interface SBI-PDP-32 DeviceNet interface SBI-DN CANopen interface SBI-COP Master / Slave optical fibre connection cable (3 m). Master / Slave optical fibre connection cable (5 m). SBI-OFM-32 master boards and Slave SBI-OFS-32 boards for serial connection communication via optical fibre serial interface. Features: Speed feedback via tachogenerator and/or digital encoder Digital I/O logic control in PNP and/or NPN configuration 3 Differential analog inputs ±10Vdc (0..4-20mA) 2 Analog outputs (±10Vdc) 2 Encoder inputs (digital and/or sinusoidal) 1 Tachogenerator input 8 Digital inputs (4 fixed + programmable) 4 Optocoupled Digital outputs 2 Relay outputs 1 Motor thermistor input RS485 Serial line (ModbusRTU protocol) Programmable overload up to 200% Interfacing with fieldbus protocol as: ProfibusDP, CANopen, DeviceNet Protection degree: IP00 for bigger powers A line transformer is requested with 2 separated secondary windings whose phase positions differ from 30°.Digital converters, from 1010 A to 6600 A * 3ph 230&hellip,&hellip,350Vac, 50/60Hz, 3ph 230&hellip,690Vac, 50/60Hz * Rated currents: * TPD32-EV-&hellip,-12P from 2020A to 6600 A (2 quadrants and 4 quadrants) * TPD32-EV-&hellip,-12S from 1010A to 3300 A (2 quadrants and 4 quadrants) * IP00 *Marks: CE 350 Vac line *Three-phase voltage: 230 Vac&hellip,350 Vac, 50/60 Hz *2 quadrants, (..-2B): from 1010 A to 3300 A *4 quadrants, (..-4B): from 1010 A to 3300 A 690Vac line * Three-phase voltage: 230&hellip,690Vac, 50/60Hz * 2 quadrants, (..-2B): from 2020 A to 6600 A * 4 quadrants, (..-4B): from 2020 A to 6600 A''
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